Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Jambo, ladies and gents!  I didn't really know what to title this - it's just kind of going to be an update on my life for the past week or so.  I can't remember the last time I updated, for which I apologize.  I've been (as always) rather busy!  Plenty of work, plenty of play.  Did I post about going to Universal?  Because I WENT TO UNIVERSAL AND IT WAS GLORIOUS.

This is the sign they have over the entrance to the Islands of Adventure!  Isn't it lovely?

I went with four of my roommates and we all bought season passes - expensive, but theoretically worth it.  They have a couple of different levels and I got the one that included free parking, which saves me $16 every visit!  And I'm planning to go back veryyyy frequently to visit Hogsmeade.

Seriously, though.  It's beautiful.

Well, we rode the Hogwarts ride and the Dueling Dragons one, and then we shopped around a bit and went to eat at some cafeteria in ToonTown.  It was actually really, really yummy!  I got this pizza that was genuinely delicious - like, it was better than some pizzas I'd gotten at real restaurants!  We also got Butterbeer, of course, but we didn't do much else - I had to work early the next morning and didn't want to stay too late.  But that's the lovely thing about season passes!  I don't feel rushed, because I'm going to have until the end of the summer to do everything I want to.

The five of us in front of Hogwarts!

Actually, I was going to go back today, but I've got a really, really bad cold, so I decided to stay in and sleep it off - which has thus far been unsuccessful.  I have tomorrow off as well, though, so hopefully I'll be able to make a recovery before I have to work on Thursday!

I wasn't feeling too hot yesterday, either, but I really didn't want to call in sick (they have a weird point system that makes it basically horrible for CPs to call in), so I went in anyway.  Pretty early on I made a mistake and popped up on one of the curbs, so one of the coordinators had to sit me down and talk with me about what I did wrong and tell me not to do it again.  It was awful!  And then, not even an hour later, the head of the whole operation walks over to me in his nice dress shirt and slacks and climbs into the passenger side of my truck and says that he wants to ride my safari.  He's a really, really great guy - very nice, very genuine - but I was still TERRIFIED.

guys i literally thought he was going to fire me or something it was awful

But then I gave a safari with him sitting right next to me and it was fine and nobody died!  Yay!  He told me that I had a "technically excellent" safari - meaning I knew all of my facts and had a pleasant voice, etc., but that I sounded like a recording - a perfect recording, yes, but a recording nonetheless.  He said he was looking for a sense of wonder and then offered to give a safari while I drove, so - voila!  I chauffeured Mike and a group of guests around and got to listen to his safari.  It was really very interesting, nothing like any safari I'd been on before; he was very conversational and hardly gave any facts about the animals.

After my next break, I decided to take some of his advice into account and started trying to act a little less professional and a little more conversational.  And, hark!  After my last safari, one woman walked over to me and asked for my name and told me that I'd given an absolutely amazing safari - the best she'd ever been on!  

Needless to say, I'll be thanking Mike next time I see him!

So that's basically been my life.  ...Yeah.  Nothing too exciting - like I said, I've basically spent the day inside, watching TV and sleeping and drinking lots and lots of orange juice.  And blowing my nose.  I've blown my nose so much today that it feels like it might fall off.  

Anyway, I hope you're all doing much better than I am and that you've all had a lovely, magical day!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Earning My Ears

Jambo, all!  I know it's been a while since I've updated, /but in fairness/, I've been pretty busy.  I had a day off to recuperate after the Dole Whip Challenge, which was very fortunate - I did laundry and cleaned and then relaxed and it was lovely!

And then on Sunday I had my last day of training, and before I knew it, that was over, too…and then it was assessment day.  I know it sounds scary - and I'll admit that I was a little worried - but it was actually quite easy.  I had the most lovely woman assessing me!  She was kind and answered my questions and - most importantly - she passed me!  And halfway through the day, after I'd already removed the infamous red ribbon from my name tag, I ran into my trainer and her new trainee, and they were both really excited for me!  Actually, basically everyone is really nice and really excited basically all the time.  I've been so, so fortunate to be placed on such an awesome attraction with such amazing cast members!

LOOK they even gave me magnets that's how awesome they are

And then, I had my first day - the eleven-hour shift.  Yeesh.

actually it wasn't that bad

I naturally had to open a truck, but my trainer wanted her new trainee to have some practice and so they opened it for me. YAY!  And then I got to take an empty round, which means NO GUESTS!  And then I took one round with guests before I got my break, and then I got to park strollers! 

During training, I thought I liked parking strollers.  This was a misconception.  I liked being the person to announce the stroller parking and to get the strollers from the line.  Not the person to actually run around the stroller parking lot trying to find space for another double-wide.  I ended up being so bad at the stroller parking that they called in a coordinator to help…


It wasn't actually that bad, though - the coordinator was super nice and gave me a lot of really helpful pointers!  Although, he happened to be hanging around later that day when I mis-docked - and he had to back me up so that I could try again.  With guests on the car.


Sorry.  Rant over.  The rest of the day went pretty well, minus a minor mix-up with Aileen (they called her name in the break room but I thought they called me so we both went to the same location - which is JUST AS EXCITING AS IT IS CONFUSING BECAUSE HEY I'VE NEVER WORKED WITH ANOTHER EILEEN/AILEEN BEFORE).  And then, ten rounds and several breaks later, I was assigned to the Info Guide position, which is basically standing outside of the ride and greeting people.  This is normally a really easy position - but I was closing.  Which means that I had to stand there for forty-five minutes and tell guests that all of the rides with live animals were closed.  But I met several lovely people and when I got back to base, the very same coordinator who had witnessed all of my mistakes clocked me out, so I was free to go instead of having to wait in line!

Further testament to my earlier statement that everyone at Safaris is lovely and wonderful <3

Anywho, that's been my life.  Earning my ears?  Eleven-hour shift?  Not half as bad as I thought they would be!  I hope you've all had a beautiful, magical day!!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Dole Whip Challenge

So, as I wrote yesterday, some of my roomies and I went to the parks to celebrate Valentine's Day.  Sam and I started our day with a really nice lunch at a Mexican restaurant called Abuleo's where I got this weird type of baked quesadilla with the cheese outside of the tortilla that was actually quite yummy!  It was /supposedly/ a healthier Mexican cuisine, but I don't know if that was actually the case.

Oooh, fancy!  Three types of salsa - plus a house mix and some queso!!!


We then headed to DAK, where we met up with Sam's friend Ricky!  We headed to Expedition Everest first, which I had never ridden before.  It was GREAT!!!!  so great that we did it twice whoops   Directly after that we went on Safaris, which was lovely!  The wait wasn't too bad and we saw everything but the Bongos, which is actually really sad because there's a baby right now and it's so cute that every time I see it I want to die.  Anyway, after our safari we headed to Dino Land, where we rode Dinosaur - which is apparently the Indiana Jones ride of Disney World!  Although I enjoyed it, I sadly don't think it's as good as the Indiana Jones one out in California.

A breathtaking view of the Tree of Life, my park's icon, taken on the walkway between Africa and Asia!  

As the Animal Kingdom was closing, we left for Magic Kingdom, which would be open for another seven hours!!  After grabbing a soft pretzel (one of my favorite foods), we met up with Katrina, another one of my flatmates.  From there we embarked on a mission - to go to the Dumbo ride and squeeze all four of us into the same capsule!  One of my other friends, who works there, told me that as long as the seatbelt is buckled it's allowed - and, hark!  She was right!!!  We did it and it was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened, and then we vowed to do all of the rest of the kiddie rides.  We even did the Carousel, and I got Cinderella's horse (you can tell which one's hers because it has a gold "ribbon" tied around its tail)!

And a little later on, after we'd been running around for a while, Katrina and I wanted Dole Whips - but it was really chilly, so Sam said we ought to go to the Tiki Room and we agreed.  When we got there, the girl working the line looked at us and says, "I hate to be a downer, but…you're not allowed to have those during the show."

"In the queue or during the actual show?" I asked.

"During the show.  You're welcome to have them out here, but…"

"Well, we have six minutes," I said.  I had seen a sign outside saying when the next show was. "That's plenty of time."

She looked at Katrina and I dubiously. "Yeah, right.  If you finish those in six minutes, I'll let you guys ride the Magic Carpets twelve times.  In a row."

I personally didn't want to do this.  It was way colder than Florida should have a right to be last night, and I had no desire to ride around for over an hour on a Magic Carpet.  However, I can be quite competitive.

Apparently, so can Katrina.

"Oh, you're SO on," she said, and with that we started - and finished with a minute to spare, of course!!!  We didn't know if they would actually let us or if they were just kidding, BUT WHEN WE GOT OUT OF THE TIKI ROOM THEY WEREN'T KIDDING AND WE ACTUALLY GOT TO RIDE IT TWELVE TIMES.  LITERALLY.  


What's that?  Pics or it didn't happen, you say?  Well, luckily for you, WE TOOK A SELFIE EACH TIME.


no actually it was freezing like forget it elsa the cold always bothers me


wow very two such carpet so magic wow amaze

Round threeeeee yayyy!!!!

wait why am i still captioning these

like i mean they have numbers and everything

can you guys even count because if not this is six

whoops looks like we lost ricky

[insert caption here]

wait look these are our new friends idk if this is even allowed so don't tell anyone this is selfie 8.5 in case you can't count sometimes i can't

guys look at my face what am i even doing

oh my god how do we still look so excited

jk we're not actually we're dying


So in conclusion: a basically wonderful Valentine's Day!  

The best carpet is number 6, although number 15 is also good.  Even-numbered carpets tend to tilt forward and backward better, while the odd-numbered ones go up and down more easily. That being said, we didn't get a chance to try carpets 1-4.  More research to follow.

Although I meant to go get a charm for my bracelet sometime this weekend, I sadly haven't yet secured one.  I'm thinking that I need an Aladdin themed one (amiright or amiright).  On the plus side, I did all of my laundry today, I got my groceries for the week, I made banana bread because I had an excess of overly ripe bananas, and I'm currently watching Sherlock with some of my flatmates!  Tomorrow is going to be my last day of training and then on Monday - bright and early at seven a.m. - I begin my assessment!  Wish me luck!!!

I hope everyone has had an absolutely magical day!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Training Thus Far

Hello again, ladies and gents!  I’d like to formally wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day (if you’re into celebrating that kind of thing) and apologize for taking so long to update.  I thought I would have time when I came home at night and boy, was I wrong!  Training has been absolutely exhausting.

Also I’ve been having trouble getting blogger to work, but that’s beside the point.

The first day was kinda rough.  I made a lot of mistakes and the amount of information thrown at me was completely overwhelming.  I made notecards with facts about thirty-two different types of animals and was handed a twenty-page “suggested” script – with some parts that I had to memorize exactly and other parts that I could change a little.  Thank goodness my trainer is an angel – otherwise, I probably would’ve had a panic attack!

And since I was feeling really down on myself because of all the mistakes I had made, I went to the grocery store to get the ingredients for shrimp scampi to eat my feelings.  While I was there I decided to pick up some bananas.  There was this sweet old man laying them out, and I reached to take four of the single bananas instead of a bunch of them, and he saw me and started grinning and thanked me for being so kind, because apparently people never take the single bananas.  So of course I started blushing because he said it over and over again, but when I finally detangled myself from him to go get the rest of my groceries, I was smiling, too.  I doubt he realized how much I needed to hear that, and I think it's just a good lesson for all of us to keep in mind: that you never know what someone's day has been like and even something as small as thanking someone for taking single bananas - single bananas, of all things! - might make all the difference in the world to that person.  He really, genuinely brightened my day with something as simple as thanking me.

wow sorry i didn't mean for that to get so sappy back to real life

RIGHT.  Real life.  So, even though I was exhausted by the time I finished my dinner, I went to Downtown Disney with some of my roommates, as our holiday CM discount expired yesterday and we all wanted to get something.  So, I finally gave in and got an adorable Stitch “plush pillow” (a.k.a. a Pillow Pet)!


Also somewhere along the way (Saturday, maybe?  I think?) I went to MK with some of my roommates and a friend, where we rode basically everything, got turkey legs for dinner, and even got to meet Ariel! (that last one was against my better judgment but since i didnt want to get into the picture the guy working there made me do it)

but it was cold and rainy so this is the only pic you get

except for this one of all of us with ariel omg she's so pretty it makes me want to cry

Anyway, I know you guys don’t need to know all the gory details, so I’ll give you a brief overview of my training: I’ve made plenty of mistakes and been plenty scared and upset about them, but over time I’ve actually grown more and more professional and more able to help guests.  I spent basically all evening on Tuesday working on my spiel, which paid off – I took an empty round on Wednesday morning before my trainer informed me (at the loading dock!) that I was ready to take guests, and then not thirty seconds later I took my first round!  I was /literally/ almost shaking, I was so nervous, but apparently it went well.  When we got to the unloading dock my trainer told everyone that it was my first time taking guests and they all clapped and several people complimented me and told me they couldn't believe it was my first time giving the safari, which felt really, really great.  That being said, I was so tired when I got home that I literally went to bed right after I had dinner – just thirteen hours after I’d woken up!

Yesterday, I took five loads of guests.  I got plenty of compliments then as well, because I guess most people could tell that I was still training (I have that lovely red “Earning My Ears” banner under my nametag and I had someone sitting in the passenger seat whispering to me every now and again).  On one of the first rounds, this really sweet older woman came up to me and said that she thought I had been great and that this was definitely the right job for me, which made me feel really awesome (again, you never know how greatly saying something kind might change someone's day!).  By the last round, though, at the end of the day, I was struggling.  I hadn’t anticipated how hard it would be to do multiple safaris (I took two in the morning and three in the afternoon), but I was having trouble remembering what facts I’d given and driving well and even docking, which I’ve always been pretty good at!

Apparently we take an average of nine rounds a day, so I guess I have to prepare myself…

Especially since I have two – not one, but TWOeleven hour shifts next week.  One of which is the first day after my assessment.

Because apparently they hate the college program kids and want us all to die slow and painful deaths.

That being said, I can see now why Safaris is considered the best attraction.  It’s literally like being part of one big, awesome family.  If you’re in the cafeteria and you see some other people in Safari costumes, you’re basically obligated to sit with them whether you know them or not – and if you don’t know them, they always want to get to know you a little better and welcome you to the family.  I’ve met so many amazing people and I’m already dreading having to leave some of my awesome coworkers (not to mention my amazing roommates and my other lovely friends!) in August. 

actually im trying really hard not to think about it so no please

The reason you're finally getting an update is because I finally have a day off – two, in fact! – and on Sunday I’ll have my final day of training before I get assessed on Monday.  I’m feeling pretty confident knock on wood so hopefully things will go really well and I’ll be able to make a post about having earned my ears by Monday evening!

Today I’m planning to go to one or two of the parks – I just got my main entrance passes – and to pick up a charm for my necklace. 

Oh?  Didn’t I do a post about it?  jk I know I didn’t I haven’t had time  I’ve decided to buy a charm every week while I’m here that I think sums up/symbolizes my week - kind of corny, I know, but I'm really a sappy person.  Last week, I bought a charm of Cinderella’s Castle, which I feel is kind of synonymous with magic – and my first week was absolutely magical!!!  So today I’ll get a new one and hopefully find the energy to blog about it tonight or tomorrow!

My lovely first charm!

Also thanks mom and dad for these lovely flowers!

Anyway, I hope everyone has had an absolutely amazing, magical week!  

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Traditions, DAKlimation, and the Magic Kingdom

Hello again, friends!  Or should I say Jambo?

On Thursday afternoon, I had what Disney calls "Traditions" - a class meant to get new employees hyped up to work for the company by explaining their ideas on service and what it means to current employees to work for the Mouse (complete with video footage of Cast Members being interviewed/giving stories, etc.).  I don't want to spoil it for any of you who might be considering coming to work here at WDW, but let me just say this - I was nearly in tears on multiple occasions!  Disney does an amazing, amazing job of making their new hires feel incredibly special and warm and fuzzy to be helping to make the magic for their Guests.

The only downside: it was cold and rainy - like, in the fifties and RAINY.  ON MY FIRST DAY OF (TECHNICALLY) TRAINING.  And I was not prepared for it!  My advice to anyone for anything (not just Traditions, though I do think it would be more magical if I'd been properly attired): check the weather and dress accordingly.

Oh, yeah - I also GOT MY FIRST NAME TAG!!!!!

I had planned to go to the Magic Kingdom after Traditions, because we got our WDW Employee ID cards (yay!), but to be honest, I didn't get back until around 8:30 (I'd taken a bus at 1:45 to get there) and I was cold and wet and just wanted to relax, so I stayed in and went to bed early - which was a good decision, because the next morning I had "DAKlimation," the Disney's Animal Kingdom park orientation!

Again, I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who might get to work in DAK, but I had a blast!  I feel so, so blessed to be working in DAK with all of the animals and other amazing Cast Members.  We talked about the park's mission statements in a classroom and then took a tour of our park (with a little surprise - but I won't reveal anything!) and then after lunch we headed to Costuming to pick up our oh-so-cute outfits!

And by oh-so-cute, I mean oh-my-gosh-do-i-really-have-to-wear-that.

Okay, so it's not actually that awful - especially since everyone has to wear one - and the hats are actually really cute!  That being said, costuming was a disaster.  There was literally NOTHING in my size, so I had to make due with either larger sizes or articles of clothing from other rides that looked similar.  They told me to come back every so often to see if they'd gotten anything in that would fit.  So maybe not the most magical moment, but, hey - I'm still working at Disney World!  And I'll have almost a week and a half more of training, so I'm not anticipating a huge problem.

But now I feel obligated to share with you lovely people a little about what I learned not about DAK, but about life in general.

A) Disney's sizes run very, very strangely - my pants are literally twice the size I normally wear, and my shirt is two sizes smaller.  Not such a good ego boost.

B) You should ALWAYS CHECK THE WEATHER.  DO NOT WEAR A SKIRT AND THIN SWEATER WHEN IT IS GOING TO BE FIFTY FIVE DEGREES AND RAINING.  Also, Disney doesn't allow you to use an umbrella if it's got a logo or something on it (I made the mistake of bringing a UNC one, which is blue and white with a UNC logo and was too ostentatious for me to use while representing the company), so make sure to invest in either a Disney umbrella or one that is very plain (I'd suggest plain black) with no logo.


I hope that some of you will learn from my mistakes so that my suffering won't have been in vain.

Anyway, all that negativity aside, I can't wait to go play in DAK on one of my days off and get to know my park a little better!  It's a really cool place!!

Finally, after I took a coworker to find the necessary brown boots for Safaris drivers when we were finally finished with Costuming, she and I headed to the Magic Kingdom to meet up with some of my other friends!  We'd been having awful luck with transportation all day - on our way to DAKlimation another bus caught on fire, so we got really delayed (I don't think anyone was hurt, though, so that's a plus!), and we'd had to take a really long bur ride back to our apartments while carrying all of our costumes - and that luck didn't seem to change.  We took a bus to the Polynesian, thinking that we could get on the monorail and avoid the hassle of having to avoid going backstage in the MK, which ended up being about a ten minute walk from the bus stop.  And when we got to the station, the monorail was closed, so we had to use the ferry - which takes twenty minutes.  Katie and I were dying - we were so excited to go play and we'd already had such bad luck with transportation that it was doubly sad to have to wait on the ferry, even if it /was/ pretty scenic.  Training technically ended at two and by the time we finally made it into the MK, it was 6:47.  Talk about a lot of travel time!!!

But I can't really complain, because then we were in the Magic Kingdom!  After grabbing a quick bite to eat at Pinocchio's in Fantasyland (I got an overpriced flatbread pizza that was okay - I'd recommend it in a pinch because it's probably less expensive than most of your other options), we had just enough time to try and catch a good spot for Celebrate the Magic and Wishes!

Our view of the castle for the shows!!!

That being said, it was too foggy for us to see the fireworks during Wishes (which is really sad, because it's been years since I've seen it - if I've seen it at all!), so we left early and headed to Space Mountain.  After that, we grabbed some famous Dole Whip floats - and, yes.  It lived up to expectations.  I mean to take a picture of it but it was SO GOOD that before I knew it, I'd finished!  Then we did a bunch of other rides - Pirates, Big Thunder Mountain, the Haunted Mansion, Under the Sea: Journey of the Little Mermaid (which I'd never done before - it was really cool and very well put together, if a little in the uncanny valley for me), and we finished up the night with Peter Pan right as the park was closing!  We had a really, really amazing time and got a lot done, considering we were only there for four hours!

p.s. i promise to take pictures next time i go to a park sorry i was too excited to think about it

The rest of the evening was relatively uneventful, with a very long, crowded bus ride - so crowded I had to spend most of it standing and holding onto the railings for dear life - and finally getting back to my apartment around 12:15.  Yikes!  Considering I woke up around 5:30 for DAKlimation, I was pretty darn exhausted and I had a little snack before going to bed.  I was so tired I don't really even remember getting to the actual bed or under the covers - but that's the DCP for you, I guess!  I wouldn't have done anything differently (even though my outfit choices were cute but questionable), because I know that everything I've done so far an everything I'm going to do for the rest of my time here is going to be an unique, absolutely unforgettable experience <3

I hope everyone had (yesterday) and is having (today) the most wonderfully magical day!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Apartment

As you may have read in an earlier post, I've been assigned to live in a 4-bedroom/8-person apartment in Chatham Square which I wasn't initially super stoked about.  However, I've been completely won over and I already LOVE my apartment and all seven of my roommates!!!  Anyway, I've been promising pictures for a while, so I thought that today I would give anyone who cares to know (prospective residents, maybe?) a quick picture-tour of my apartment. [NOTE: pictures were taken on an iPhone because i forgot to download the software for my camera before i left]

My half of the room!  (in case you can't tell, I <3 books…and pillows)

The bathroom that I share with three other girls (shower ruffles and blue bathmat not provided by housing).

A lovely little study area (complete with ports for ethernet cords) in the hallway.

The disappointingly small kitchen (yes i did buy a disney princess cookbook).

The main living area - nice and spacious because there're eight of us!

Our cute little corner balcony - complete with a lovely view of the rest of Chatham Square!

So, there you have it: a mini-tour of the apartment I'll be living in for the next six months!  There are definitely some downsides (looking at you, kitchen and bathroom), but on the whole I really, really love it!!  Also, I took most of the pictures last night, and everything is much prettier in the sunlight (I'm just too lazy to retake the photos).  So far, everything's been so great!

Okay.  Most everything has been great.  Actually basically everything except for the fact that the water down here tastes TERRIBLE.  Like, it's literally the worst tap water I've ever tasted.  I've half a mind to go buy a couple gallons of purified water to use for my tea because the stuff I've made so far is literally not even tea.  I don't know what it is, but it's certainly not Twinings Earl Grey.  Not.  At.  All.


/rant over/

But, as I've said, despite a few very minor details, I'm having tons and tons of fun!  Yesterday I had the day off so I spent it running errands, hanging out with the roomies, and spending some time getting to know some of my other new friends, too.  This afternoon I'll have Traditions, which I don't technically think I'm allowed to blog about, and there I'll get my WDW Cast Member ID - meaning I can get into the parks for free!  Woohoo!!!  I'm planning to go to Hollywood Studios to ride Tower of Terror (much against my better judgment - EEK!) and watch Fantasmic this evening.  You guys probably won't get a post about it anytime soon, because by the time I get back I'm going to have to go right to bed - because I have DAKlimation (my park orientation) first thing in the morning on Friday!

I hope everyone is having (and continues to have) a magical day!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Drug Testing and Housing

Hey, all!  Yesterday I had a ton going on, and every second of my day was exciting!

9:30-ish was exciting because I had to get drug tested because I'll (maybe? hopefully?) be driving at DAK!  YAYYY said no-one ever!!!  Anyway, Disney finds a way to make everything engaging - even getting drug tested.  When I got there, there was a cute guy who (I think) used to be a CP and now worked for the company and who was talking to all of the CPs waiting in line so we didn't get bored or go in before it was our turn.  Then I filled out a bit of paperwork and voila!  I was done less than a half an hour after I'd gotten to Vista.

Only now am I realizing that I probably should've taken a picture this time…oh well!  I'm sure I'll be back over - one of my friends from UNC is living over there.

Which brings me to the second exciting thing about drug testing: I ran into him (my friend) on the way out!  It's kinda a smaller world that I would've expected at Disney.  We got to talking and made plans for the afternoon and evening, which I was pretty excited about.  After we'd both finished the housing meeting, I took him to get some supplies and then we hung out with his roommates and their friends for a few hours before he took me to see one of his friends from high school (who is also doing the program) and then the three of us went to Downtown Disney to window shop and get chocolate strawberries.  One of his other friends met us there - I'm just meeting new people all over the place, which I absolutely love!  The more the merrier!!!  And then when I finally got back, I played some board games for bonding with the roomies <3 and didn't end up getting to bed until 1:30 i regret nothing

Anyway, that was kind of an aside.  Directly after drug testing, I came back, had about an hour and a half to cool my heels and eat bananas, and then it was off to the Housing meeting!

If that's not too dark for you to see, this is what it looked like when we walked into the room for the Housing meeting!

Again, let me reiterate: Disney makes everything exciting.  It was about a ten minute walk to the Commons (another housing complex) for the meeting, and when they let us into the room, There was loud music and some fog and probably even a light machine - it was a surprisingly cool atmosphere!  They talked to us a lot about SafeD (a.k.a. disney's strict safety ideas) and about some of our resources and then they told us how special we all were and made us feel really wanted and magical to win us over before they saddle us all with awful shifts for the next four to six months.  Anyway, I left feeling awesome and special and super excited to be here, and then had a blast for the rest of the day!  

I hope you're all having a magical day!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Check-In and Casting


Check-In this year was (as I understand) a little different than it has been in the past.  They actually gave people suggested check-in times (as you might have gleaned from my last post) and from what I understand, they're really enforcing adherence to those times.

They also said not to get there before seven but I was really eager, so dad and I got breakfast to go and ended up arriving at Vista around 6:45.  Luckily, they didn't turn us away, but we had to stand in a line for a while.  I finally got to meet my roommates, which was awesome!  They're both lovely, beautiful people, so I'm feeling really lucky to have found them!!

After waiting until a little after seven, they let us in and actually started the check-in process!  They give you a program guide with tons and tons of information about basically everything (and even a planner in the back!) and then you wait in line to get a sticker disclosing your work location.  For some people, this can be vague, such as an area, and for others, it's specific.  I happened to get a specific answer, and I was very pleasantly surprised to find out that I'll be working on the Kilimanjaro Safari ride in the Animal Kingdom!!!!


Anywho, after you get your sticker, they whisk you away to get some papers checked and then they take your picture for your housing ID.  Then, you find out where you're living.  I got placed in Chatham Square, which was my third choice, in a four-bedroom (eight person) apartment (also my third  choice but i'm not complaining i mean i got kilimanjaro safari i can't complain about anything).  Then they tell you lots of things and they give you some free stuff and then you're done!  It only took about half an hour for all of that for me, so I was done with enough time to move my stuff into my room before I went to Casting.

Casting takes place in an absolutely adorable building right across from Downtown Disney and for me, it was really painless.  You get a training schedule and then meet with someone to talk about any questions you might have, and then you do a lot of standing in lines and doing paperwork.  That being said, the process is very streamlined and everyone is very nice and it only took about an hour!  After all that, I was free for the rest of the day!!!  I dropped my dad off at a hotel, because he has an early flight and i was way more sad than i thought i would be and then I headed back to the apartment to unpack and meet the rest of the flatmates!!! They all seem absolutely wonderful, so I'm really looking forward to getting to know them a little better!!!

I hope everyone's having an amazingly magical day!!!

P.S. I know I said I would take pictures, but I forgot the software CD for my camera…so I guess I'll try to use the ol' iPhone starting tomorrow?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Last Day of Freedom (?)

whoops did i say that i mean i don't actually think this is probably going to be like indentured servitude

too much

ANYWAY, I figured I should update one last time before I check in tomorrow morning.  It took my dad and I around ten hours to drive here, including a pit stop for lunch and another for gas - but it's well worth the drive!  The weather is beautiful and we had dinner and dessert in Downtown Disney and then I dragged him around the shops, which really got me hyped up to check in tomorrow and get this show on the road!

Speaking of which, my check-in time is at 8 a.m. (yay!), so I'm planning to get to the Vista Way Welcome Center around 6:55-ish.  They're supposed to start letting people in around seven and they don't want anyone waiting around before then, but I'm just too excited and anxious to wait that long!  I'm going to find out about where I'm living, who I'm living with, and where I'll be working.  I also have to get drug tested, though, so that kinda throws a wrench in my plans for shopping and unpacking tomorrow afternoon…. But I'll get it all done in time and I'm sure it'll be wonderful!

Needless to say, you should all expect an update about check-in and moving in and WHAT MY ROLE IS AHHHH sometime within the next couple of days (I would promise tomorrow, but that might be a little ambitious…).

I hope everyone has had a magical day!!!

P.S. I have a camera in my possession and plan to start taking pictures of all the magical things Disney has to offer!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

"DORMS" & "Final Reminders"

/So/ my Check-In is in four - that's right, FOUR - days!!!!  I  leave early Sunday morning and I'll drive allllll day (with my oh-so-lovely father to keep me company and a pit-stop in Savannah for lunch) from NC to Orlando!  And I COULD NOT be more excited!!! jk im a little nervous but maybe a post about that before i leave

So, lots has happened since I've last blogged (has it really been over seventy days…?).  I had the holidays and visits with my friends from school and plenty of procrastinating to do.  About a week ago, I got my DORMS email, so a little about that first:

The pre-registration for housing was actually pretty easy.  If you've found roommates, one of you needs to be the "leader" and register first and link the rest of your roommate group, who then follow the link on a subsequent email they will recieve that says "You've been linked!"  The leader is the only person who has to set preferences for your top three a) complexes and b) apartment sizes; everyone else just goes through a couple of hoops and then prints the various forms and info to make check-in a little smoother (although i still haven't been able to get mine to print whoops).  It didn't take long at all! (Though I won't find out where I'm staying until I get down there on - eek! - Monday….)

One caveat: make sure you have your license plate number handy while you're filling everything out, because this is where you'll register your car, too - I had to run to the garage to double-check on mine!

And then, finally:

THE FINAL REMINDERS AHHH IT'S REALLY JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!  Seriously, though, I'm SO stoked!  This email was basically everything I've ever wanted in the world except tom hiddleston.  I've still got to do Mission Timekeeper (which I gather is a game about continuing Disney Heritage or something but that might be a secret, so maybe you won't get a post on that...) and to pack, and then it's off to Florida I go!

Thank you all for reading, and I hope everyone is having a magical day!!